New Directions

International Technical Experience Program - PETI

PETI is an initiative by the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT), which objective is to promote international training for its personnel in the period between 2022 and 2025. Four annual editions of the program are planned, dealing with various topics that are in line with the Agency's attributions and expanding technical knowledge and good practices that can be adopted in Brazil as well as they are extended to the other employees of the Agency, who did not participate on the Program.

The program was established by DG Ordinance n. 518, of November 5, 2021 and, through internal processes, 12 civil servants are selected to participate in technical visits to foreign institutions accompanied by members of the Board of Directors and a mission organizer from the International Relations Advisory. In 2022, the first editions were held in Italy, the United States, and Portugal.

The 2023 events will consist of technical visits and are contemplated in the International Action Plan - PLAI, approved by Deliberation No. 13, of January 23, 2023.